Poorvika is the Largest Tech Retailer in India, spanning across 450+ showrooms in and around Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Pondicherry, Mumbai, Pune and Trivandrum, famous for their touch & feel experience. Poorvika sells a wide category of devices in its showrooms and Online portal, ranging from the Best Smartphones, Laptops, Computers, Smart Devices, Smart TVs to Accessories. Poorvika's E-Commerce platform www.poorvika.com caters to customers across India where Customers can Comfortably Order their devices with just a tap and get them delivered Safely with delivery options such as 2 Hours Delivery, Same Day Delivery, Next Day Delivery, and a Pickup at the Store option based on their location. Having served over 5 Crore+ Happy Customers, Poorvika takes pride in being India's leading retailer for Top Brands like Apple, Samsung, Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, OnePlus, Redmi, Realme, Nokia, etc.